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Image Wisely & Image Gently

At the heart of Northwest Radiology is an exceptionally experienced team of physicians, specializing in premium imaging services. Our board-certified radiologists leverage advanced technology and specialized training to deliver compassionate, high-quality patient care. Offering cost-effective outpatient services, we operate convenient imaging centers across greater Indianapolis and surrounding communities. In addition, the group has partnerships with several regional hospitals and specialty clinics providing services to patients who require in-hospital care.

tech administering a CT scan

Image Wisely Pledge

At Northwest Radiology, we pledge:

  • To put our patients’ safety, health and welfare first by optimizing imaging examinations to use only the radiation necessary to produce diagnostic-quality images;
  • To convey the principles of the Image Wisely program to the imaging team in order to ensure that our facility optimizes its use of radiation when imaging patients;
  • To communicate optimal patient imaging strategies to referring physicians and to be available for consultation;
  • To routinely review imaging protocols to ensure that the least radiation necessary to acquire a diagnostic-quality image is used for each examination.

Image Gently Pledge

At Northwest Radiology, we pledge:

  • To make the Image Gently message a priority in staff communications this year;
  • To review the protocol recommendations and, where necessary, implement adjustments to our processes;
  • To respect and listen to suggestions from every member of the imaging team on ways to ensure changes are made;
  • To communicate openly with parents.