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Port Removal

Post OP Instructions

Please review this discharge instruction sheet for common questions and answers.

  1. A prescription for pain medication is not typically given for port placement.  If it is, take your pain medication as prescribed, if needed. Commonly, acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil) is all that is needed following your procedure.
  2. Take your usually prescribed medications unless otherwise directed.
  3. No refills on prescription pain medicine will be given.
  4. You should follow a light diet for the remainder of the day after your procedure to avoid nausea induced by the sedation medications.
  5. It is common to experience some mild swelling and/or bruising in the area of the incision. It may take several days to resolve.
  6. Your Interventional Radiologist used Dermabond (skin glue) on the incision, you may shower in 24 hours. The glue will flake off over the next several weeks.
  7. If your port is left accessed at the end of surgery (needle left in port), the dressing cannot get wet and should only be changed by a healthcare professional. When the port is no longer accessed (when the needle has been removed), you may shower in 24 hours.
  8. ACTIVITIES: Limited activity involving your arm on the side of the port for the next 3-5 days, including no heavy lifting or strenuous exercise. You may drive when you are not taking prescription pain medication, you can comfortably wear a seatbelt, and you can maneuver your car.
  9. We typically do not see you back in the clinic following this procedure unless there are issues.
  10. When you receive a new Port, you will get a product guide and ID card. Please keep them in case you need them.

When to call your doctor


  • Fever over 101.0
  • Chills
  • Continued bleeding from incision
  • Increased redness, warmth and tenderness at the site
  • Progressive swelling at the insertion site.

The clinic staff is available to answer your questions during regular business hours. Please don’t hesitate to call and ask to speak to one of the nurses or medical assistants for clinical concerns. If you have a medical emergency, go to the nearest emergency room or call 911. An Interventional Radiologist is always available at VIP on call for after hours questions.